Jesus Goes to Heaven
Matthew 28:16–20, Luke 24:44–51; Acts 1:6–11

Jesus had told his disciples, “I gave my life
so that you could be with me in heaven.
I am going there to prepare a wonderful new
home for you. When I come back the next
time, I will take you with me.”
But now it was time for Jesus to leave.

Jesus said, “God has given me
complete power over heaven and earth.
Go and tell everyone the good news.
Make new disciples. Baptize them and
teach them to obey my commandments.
Don’t ever forget, I will always be
with you.”

“Go to Jerusalem and wait there,”
said Jesus. “The Holy Spirit will come to
you. He will give you power to tell people
about me. Now the time has come for me
to go to heaven. Do not be afraid.”

Then Jesus went up toward heaven
in a cloud. His disciples stared at the
sky for a long time.

All of a sudden, two angels appeared.
They asked, “Why are you standing here
looking at the sky? Jesus will return the
same way you saw him go.”

Then the disciples remembered what Jesus
had said. They returned to Jerusalem and
waited for the Holy Spirit to come.