The Holy Spirit Comes
Acts 2

Thousands of people went to Jerusalem
to celebrate a Jewish holiday called
. They came from many
countries and spoke many different
languages. Jesus’ disciples were staying
there. They were praying together.

Suddenly, a noise filled the room.
It sounded like a strong wind blowing.
TheHoly Spirit
appeared as
tongues of fire on each of them.

They started talking in languages
they did not know.
The people in Jerusalem heard the noise
and came to see what was happening.

The crowd was amazed and asked,
“How are you able to speakour
languages?” Peter said, “The prophets
told us this would happen.”

Then Peter told them about God’s plan.
“God sent Jesus to save everyone
from the bad things we have done.”

The people asked, “What should we do?”
Peter replied, “Ask Jesus to forgive you
for your sins and be baptized in the
name of Jesus Christ.”

On that day, 3,000 people believed in
Jesus. The disciples baptized all of them.