Boy King Josiah
2 Kings 22:1–23:3

A boy named Josiah became the
king of Judah when he was
only eight years old. Josiah loved God.
Many bad kings had ruled before him.

The temple in Jerusalem had started to
crumble. People had not worshiped there
for many years. King Josiah decided to fix
it up. He wanted his people to worship
God in the temple again.

So King Josiah hired workers to repair it.
One day, as the men were working,
a priest found a scroll hidden in the wall.
The priest showed the scroll to the king.

It was theBook of the Law
King Josiah called everyone together.
Then he read them God’s laws.

The people all made a promise to
each other and to God:
“We will always obey God’s laws.”