The Brave Queen
Esther 1–10

Esther wasJewish
. That means she was
an Israelite. She lived in the land of
Persia with her older cousin Mordecai.

The king of Persia needed a new queen.
He announced, “Bring me the most
beautiful women from all over my
kingdom.” Esther was one of the women
sent to the palace. When the king met
Esther, he chose her to be his queen.

Haman was the king’s chief helper.
He hated the Jewish people. They were
God’s people. Haman wanted everyone
to bow down to him. Mordecai refused
to bow down to Haman. Mordecai
would only bow down to God.

Haman went to the king. He said,
“The Jews are bad people. You should sign
a law that will help me get rid of them.”
So the king signed the new law.
God’s people were in great danger!

Mordecai heard about the new law.
He ran to tell Esther, “You must save
yourself and the rest of God’s people.
Perhaps God has made you the
queen for this reason.”
So Esther came up with a plan.
It would be very risky for her.

Esther invited the king and Haman to
a special dinner. Then she asked the king,
“Why does Haman want to get rid of me?”
The king was surprised. She said,
“I am Jewish. Haman tricked you into
signing a new law that would get rid
of all the Jews.”

The king told his guards, “Arrest Haman!”
Then he made Mordecai his new
chief helper. He told Queen Esther,
“I will make a new law that will keep
you and your people safe.”
God used Esther to save his people!