Naaman Is Healed
2 Kings 5:1–15

Naaman was a great army commander.
He was a brave soldier, but he had
a problem. He had a terrible skin
disease calledleprosy

One day, Naaman’s wife said,
“My servant told me you should go see
the prophet Elisha. He can heal you.”

Naaman reached Elisha’s home.
Elisha sent out a man with this message:
“Dunk yourself in the Jordan River
seven times. Then you will be healed.”

At first, Naaman thought it was a silly
idea. But his servants said, “Please go.
This is not a hard thing to do.”
So Naaman dunked himself in the
Jordan River seven times. When he was
done, Naaman’s skin disease was gone!

Naaman was so excited that he ran
to thank Elisha for curing him.
Naaman said, “Israel’s God
is theonly
true God!”