Pharaoh’s Dreams
Genesis 39–41

The traders took Joseph to Egypt.
He was thrown into jail.
But he did nothing wrong.
Joseph trusted God to help him.
He made friends with some
of the prisoners.

One of them had been
a wine taster for Pharaoh.
Pharaoh was the leader of Egypt.
The wine taster said, “Last night,
I had a dream. I was picking grapes and
squeezing them into Pharaoh’s cup.
Then I put the cup in his hand.
What does this mean, Joseph?”

Joseph answered, “You will be Pharaoh’s
wine taster again. Once you are free,
please don’t forget about me.
Help me get out of jail too.”

A few days later, the wine taster’s
dream came true.
He got out of jail and became
Pharaoh’s wine taster once again.
But he forgot about Joseph.

Later, Pharaoh had two strange dreams.
In one dream, he saw seven heavy cows
and seven skinny cows. The skinny cows
ate up all the heavy cows.

In another dream, Pharaoh saw
seven healthy plants.
Then he saw seven dried-up plants.
The dried-up plants
ate all the healthy plants.
Pharaoh was confused.

Pharaoh’s wise men were confused too.
Then the wine taster remembered Joseph.
He told Pharaoh that Joseph could
explain his dreams.
With God’s help, Joseph told Pharaoh
what his dream meant.

“For the next seven years, plenty of food
will grow. For seven years after that,
not enough food will grow because there
will be no rain.” Pharaoh said,
“Joseph, you are a very wise man.
I will make you a ruler over Egypt.”