Joseph Saves His Family
Genesis 42–46

For the first seven years, Joseph
was in charge of gathering extra
food for the people of Egypt.
That way, when hardly any crops grew,
there would still be plenty to eat.

The seven bad years began, and people
in other countries had no food at all.
Even Joseph’s family did not have enough
to eat. So Joseph’s father sent his sons
to Egypt to buy some food.

When the brothers arrived in Egypt, they
went to Joseph and bowed down to him.
They did not know he was their brother.
But Joseph knew.
Joseph sold them some food.
Then the brothers left to go home.

Sometime later, they returned to buy
more food. Just as Joseph had dreamed,
they bowed down to him—again.
Finally, Joseph told them,
“I am your brother!”
His brothers were afraid!

But Joseph told them not to be afraid.
“God meant it for good.
He had a special plan for me,” he said.
They all hugged.

Joseph’s brothers rushed home.
They told their father what had happened.
Jacob was so happy to hear
that Joseph was alive.
The whole family moved to Egypt.