The Wise King
1 Kings 3:5–10:13

King Solomon loved God very much.
God spoke to him in a dream.
“Ask for anything you want,” God said.

King Solomon answered,
“Give me wisdom so that I will know
the difference between right and wrong.”
God was pleased with Solomon’s answer.
“I will give wisdom to you,” God said.
“I will also give you riches and honor.”

King Solomon was wiser than any
other person. He spoke 3,000proverbs
or wise sayings, and wrote over 1,000
songs. He knew many things about
plants and animals.

King Solomon was famous. People
from all over the world came to see him.
The queen of Sheba came from
far away to ask him questions.

King Solomon answered all of her
questions. Then the queen said,
“You truly are a wise king.
May the LORD
your God be praised!”

King Solomon ordered thousands
of workers to build a temple for God.
When the temple was finished,
it was beautiful!
King Solomon planned a celebration.

All the people of Israel came
to see the temple. They were happy
to have a new place to worship.
They all said, “God is good.
His love lasts forever!”