God Watches Over Elijah
1 Kings 16:29–17:7

After Solomon, many other kings ruled
over Israel. One king was named Ahab.
He did not love God.
King Ahab worshiped idols.

God had a prophet named Elijah.
God gave Elijah special messages
to tell the people.

Elijah told King Ahab, “God is angry
with you because you do not serve him.”

Then Elijah told the king,
“It will not rain for a very long time.
The crops will dry up, and
your people will go hungry.”
King Ahab was very angry with Elijah.

God told Elijah to escape to the desert.
He led Elijah to a brook. Each day,
Elijah drank from it, and each day,
God sent birds with food.
Elijah stayed there until the brook dried up.