A Baby in a Basket
Exodus 1–2:10

Many years passed. A new pharaoh ruled
over Egypt. He did not know about the
good things Joseph had done.
By now there were many people in Jacob’s
family. They were calledIsraelites

Pharaoh did not like the Israelites.
He made them work hard.
One day, Pharaoh decided to get rid
of all the Israelite baby boys.

A woman named Jochebed had a baby
boy. She wanted to save him.
So she gently laid her baby inside a basket
and placed him in the river.
The baby started to cry.

Pharaoh’s daughter saw the basket
and opened it.
She gently picked up the baby and
hugged him. “I want to keep you,”
the princess whispered.
She named him Moses because
she pulled him out of the water.

Miriam, the baby’s big sister,
had been watching nearby.
She said to the princess, “I know a woman
who can help you take care of the baby.”
So Miriam ran to get her mother.
Jochebed was so happy!

When Moses was a young boy,
Jochebed returned him to the princess.
He grew up in the palace.