The Burning Bush
Exodus 3

When Moses was a man,
he left the palace.
Pharaoh was still being mean
to the Israelites.
Moses tried to protect them,
so Pharaoh tried to kill Moses.

Moses escaped from Egypt.
He went to a place called Midian
and became a shepherd.

One day, while Moses was watching
his sheep, he saw something strange.
A bush was on fire, but it wasn’t
burning up. From inside the bush,
God spoke, “Moses, bring my
people out of Egypt. Take them
to a new land that I will show you.
This new land is called Canaan.”

Moses was worried that Pharaoh
would not listen. God told Moses
to throw his staff on the ground.
When he did, the staff became a snake!
God told Moses to reach down and grab
the snake. It became a staff again!
God said, “I will use signs like this
to show Pharaoh I have sent you.”

“But I cannot speak very well,”
complained Moses.
God said, “Do not worry.
Your brother Aaron is a good speaker.
I will send him with you.”

So Moses returned with Aaron to Egypt.
When they arrived, Moses told the
Israelites what God had said.