A Changed Man
Acts 9:1–19

Saul did not like Jesus’ followers. He was
on his way to put some of them in jail.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed around
him. Saul fell to the ground. A loud voice
asked, “Saul, why are you against me?”
Saul was afraid. He cried out,
“Who are you?” The voice replied,
“I am Jesus, the one you are against.”

“Go to Damascus and you will be told
what to do.” When Saul got up, he
could not see.

Some men who were traveling
with Saul led him to the city.
Jesus had also appeared to a man named
Ananias. Jesus led Ananias to Saul.

Ananias laid his hands on Saul and said,
“Jesus sent me to you. You may see
again. Be filled with the Holy Spirit.”
Immediately Saul could see!
Then Ananias baptized him.

After this, God changed Saul’s name
to Paul. He was a new man! Instead of
hating Jesus’ followers, he loved them.
And he became a follower too.