Jesus Is Arrested and Crucified
Matthew 26–27; Mark 14–15; Luke 22–23; John 18–19

Judas went to the leaders. He asked,
“How much will you pay me if I help
you capture Jesus?” They said,
“Thirty pieces of silver.” So Judas took
the money and made a plan.

Jesus had gone to his favorite garden
to pray. The disciples went along.
Jesus prayed, “Father, if it is your will,
I am ready to give my life so that
all the people who trust in me will be
saved from their sins.”

Soon, Judas arrived with some soldiers.
Peter wanted to protect Jesus.
But Jesus said, “No. I must allow this
to happen.” All the disciples ran away,
and the soldiers arrested Jesus.

They took Jesus to the leaders.
The leaders said, “You say that
you are the Son of God.
We do not believe you.”

The soldiers took charge of Jesus.
They made him carry a big wooden cross.
They took him to a place called
The Skull (Golgotha
There they nailed Jesus to the cross.

Jesus died on the cross.

Everyone who loved Jesus was very sad.
But they forgot something important. Jesus
had said he would see them again soon!