Washing the Disciples’ Feet
John 13:3–30

Jesus and his disciples gathered together
for a special Passover meal. Jesus knew
he would be leaving them soon.

After supper, Jesus removed his outer
clothing. He wrapped a towel around
his waist. Then he filled a bowl with
water. Jesus washed and dried the
disciples’ feet, one by one.

Then it was Peter’s turn. He said to Jesus,
“Lord, you should never wash my feet.”
Jesus answered, “Imust
wash your feet
for you to be part of my kingdom.” Then
he said to them all, “As I have washed
your feet, you must wash each other’s
feet.” By doing this, Jesus showed his
friends how to love and serve each other.

Jesus told them, “One of you will
turn against me tonight.”
His disciples were shocked and said,
“We wouldnever
do that!”

“Who will turn against you?” John asked.
“The one I give this piece of bread to,”
said Jesus. He handed it to Judas and said,
“Do what you must.” Judas quickly left.