A Short Man
Luke 19:1–10

People crowded the streets to see Jesus.
Zacchaeus wanted to see, too,
but he was too short.
So he climbed up a tree.

As Jesus was passing by, he looked up
and said, “Zacchaeus, come down.
I want to go to your house.”
Zacchaeus scrambled down the tree.

Zacchaeus was a tax collector. His job
was to get the tax money from the people
and give it to the king. Nobody liked him.
He was surprised but happy that Jesus
wanted to come tohis

A crowd of people stood outside
the house. They grumbled,
“Why is Jesus inthere

Zacchaeus told Jesus, “I will give money
to the poor. And I will pay back anyone
I have cheated. In fact, I will give them
back more money than I took.”
Jesus was happy that Zacchaeus
was going to make things right.