The Lost Sheep
Matthew 18:10–14; Luke 15:3–7

Some people wondered who was
most important to God. So Jesus
told them a parable.

“Think about a shepherd. What does
he do? He watches over his sheep.
He gives them plenty of food, and
he gives them plenty of water.”

“He counts them up to make sure
they are all there. If one is lost,
he looks for it. He looks in the barn.
He looks near the stream. He looks
in the hills. He looks everywhere.”

“The shepherd does not give up.
At last, he finds the little lost sheep!”

“He carries the sheep back.
He calls his friends together
and says, ‘Let’s celebrate!
My lost sheep has been found!’ ”

Then Jesus said, “God loves every one
of his children like a shepherd loves his
sheep. When one of them sins, it is like
a sheep that has gone astray, and God is
very sad. But when the person turns away
from sin and comes back to God, he is
very, very happy. He celebrates like a
shepherd who has found his lost sheep.”