Two Miracles
Matthew 9:18–26; Mark 5:21–43; Luke 8:40–56

One day, a man named Jairus came to
see Jesus. He cried, “Jesus! Please
come heal my daughter. She is dying.”

“If you would just touch my daughter,”
Jairus said, “she would be healed.” So
Jesus and his disciples went with Jairus.

A large crowd followed Jesus
as he walked to Jairus’s house.

Just then, a woman pushed through
the crowd toward Jesus. She had been
sick for twelve years. The doctors
could not heal her.

The woman believed that Jesus could
heal her. She thought,I know if I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.

As the woman got closer to Jesus,
she reached out and touched him.
She was healed at that moment!
Jesus stopped and turned around.

“Who touched me?” Jesus asked.
“I felt power go out of me.”
The woman knelt before Jesus and said,
“I am the one who touched you.”
Jesus said, “Your faith has made
you well. Go in peace.”

Finally Jesus arrived at Jairus’s house.
The people said it was too late.
His daughter had already died.

Jesus said, “Jairus, trust me.
Your daughter is not dead.
She is sleeping.”

Jesus told everyone to leave the house.
Then Jairus and his wife went with Jesus
into the girl’s bedroom. Jesus knelt down
beside her and said, “Wake up, my child.”

Right away she opened her eyes and
climbed out of bed! Jairus and his wife
were overcome with joy.