A Hole in the Roof
Matthew 9:1–8; Mark 2:1–12; Luke 5:17–26

Jesus was at a house preaching.
Many people gathered there because
they heard he was healing the sick.

The house was overflowing with people.
Many had to stand outside. There was no
room left, not even outside the door.

Down the road lived a man who
could not walk. He was paralyzed.
His friends believed Jesus could heal him.

They carried him to the house.
It was still too crowded.
So they carried him up to the roof.

The man’s friends made a hole and
lowered him down to Jesus.
Jesus saw that the men had faith.
He knew how much they loved
their friend.

Jesus said to the man,
“Your sins are forgiven.”
The man stood up and walked!
The crowd praised God.