Jesus Chooses His Disciples
Matthew 4:18–22; 9:9; 10:1–4; Mark 1–3; Luke 5–6

Jesus began to tell people about God.
He knew he had a lot of work to do,
and he went to find some helpers.

As Jesus was walking along the seashore,
he saw some fishermen.
Jesus called to them, “Come. Follow me.
I will make you fishers ofpeople

Right away, they left their boats
and followed Jesus. Their names were
Peter, Andrew, James, and John.

Later, Jesus met a tax collector named
Matthew. His job was to get the tax money
from the people and give it to the king.
Matthew quit his job to follow Jesus too.

Jesus chose some more people.
Their names were Philip, Bartholomew,
Thomas, and another man named James.

Thaddaeus, Simon, and Judas joined them
too. Jesus now had twelve new followers.
He called them hisdisciples
Jesus taught them about God’s love.