The Bright Star and Three Visitors
Matthew 2:1–12

When Jesus was born, God put a special
star in the sky. Some Wise Men who
lived far away saw this star.
They knew it was a sign from God
that a new king had been born.

The Wise Men followed the star.
On their way, they stopped in the city
of Jerusalem to see King Herod.
The Wise Men wanted to ask him
about the baby king.

Now, Herod was a mean king.
He tried to trick the Wise Men.
“You must find him for me so
I can worship him too,” he said.

The star led the Wise Men to Bethlehem.
There they found little Jesus.
They worshiped him and gave him
gifts fit for a king: gold and
sweet-smelling spices.

An angel appeared to the Wise Men
in a dream. He warned them,
“Do not go back to King Herod.”
So the Wise Men went home on
a different road.