Baby Jesus Is Born
Luke 2:1–7

Mary loved Joseph. Mary and Joseph were
going to be married soon.
Joseph lived in Nazareth, but his
family lived in Bethlehem.

A new leader named Caesar ordered all
people to go back to their homeland.
He wanted to count all the people
in his kingdom. So Mary and Joseph
went to Bethlehem.

Mary was going to have her baby soon.
When they arrived in Bethlehem,
they looked for a safe place to sleep,
but all the inns were full.

Finally, a man was able to help them.
He said, “I do not have any rooms left,
but you are welcome to sleep
in the stable.”

Joseph made a warm place for Mary
to rest. While they were there,
little baby Jesus was born.

Mary wrapped Jesus in strips of cloth
and gently laid him in a manger.