Jonah and the Big Fish
Jonah 1:1–3:10

Jonah was a prophet of God.
One day, God told Jonah,
“Go to the big city of Nineveh.
Tell them to stop doing bad things.”

But Jonah ran away. He did not want
to go to Nineveh. Instead he got on
a boat to sail across the sea.
God sent a big storm to stop Jonah.
The sailors on the boat were afraid.
They thought the boat was going to sink!

Jonah told the sailors,
“My God has sent this storm.
If you throw me into the water,
the sea will become calm again.”

So the sailors threw Jonah
into the raging sea.
Instantly, the sea became calm.

Just then, Jonah saw a big fish coming!
Gulp! The fish swallowed Jonah.

For three days and nights, Jonah was
inside the fish. He prayed to God,
“Please forgive me.”

Then God told the fish to spit Jonah onto
dry land. God told Jonah a second time,
“Go and tell the people of Nineveh
to stop doing bad things.”

This time, Jonah obeyed God.
The people in Nineveh
were sorry for doing bad things,
so God forgave them.