A Good Heart
1 Samuel 15:1–16:13

Saul was a good king for about 20
years. Then he began to disobey God.
God was sorry he made Saul the king.
Samuel was sad about it too.

God sent Samuel to a man named
Jesse to find a new king.
When Samuel met Jesse, he said,
“I would like to meet your sons.”

When Samuel saw them, he thought,
These are strong-looking men.
God said, “I do not look at the
outside of a person. I look at the inside
of a person. I look at the heart.”

Samuel asked Jesse,
“Do you have another son?”
Jesse said, “Yes. His name is David.
He is out in the field with the sheep.”
Samuel asked to see him.

As soon as David arrived,
God told Samuel, “He is the one
I want to be the next king.”
David. He poured
oil on David’s head, and David
was filled with God’s power.