Awal mula
Kejadian 1

Pada awalnya, dunia kosong.
Kegelapan ada dimana-mana
Tapi Tuhan punya rencana.

Tuhan memisahkan terang itu jadi gelap itu.
“Jadilah terang!” Beliau berkata.
Dan terang itu menghidupkan.
Beliau menamai terang itu “siang.”
Dan Beliau menamai gelap itu “malam.”
Ini adalah akhir dari hari pertama.

Then God said, “I will divide the waters.”
He separated the waters in the clouds
above from the waters in the ocean below.
He called the space between them “sky.”
This was the end of the second day.

Next, God rolled back the waters
and some dry ground appeared.
He made plants of many shapes and colors.
He made mountains, hills, and valleys.
This was the end of the third day.

God put a shining sun in
the sky for daytime.
He put a glowing moon and twinkling
stars in the sky for nighttime.
This was the end of the fourth day.

On the fifth day,
God made swishy fish and
squiggly creatures to live in the ocean.
Then God made birds
to fly across the sky.

On the sixth day, God made animals
to creep, crawl, hop, and gallop.
Then from the dust, God made the most
wonderful creature of all—a person.
God named him Adam.
On the seventh day, God rested.