Ten Plagues
Exodus 7–12

Moses and Aaron went to
Pharaoh’s palace. They said,
“You must let the Israelites go free.
If you do not, God will punish you.”

Pharaoh said, “No! I do not
know your God!”
Then he made the Israelites
work even harder.

God was not pleased.
So he changed the main river to blood.
Pharaoh did not care. “I will never
let the Israelites go,” he said.

Then God sent frogs to Egypt.
They were sitting in chairs, hopping up
stairs, and jumping all over the beds.
Pharaoh said, “Take the frogs away, and
I will let your people go.”
So God took the frogs away.

But Pharaoh changed his mind
and said, “No.”
God sent more plagues on Egypt.
First were the pesky gnats.
Then came a frenzy of flies.
Next, all the animals got sick.
Then the Egyptians’ skin broke
out in sores.

Damaging hailstorms came,
and then swarms of locusts ate the crops.
Then darkness covered everything.
Sometimes Pharaoh said he would
let the people go.
But after God took away each plague,
Pharaoh changed his mind and said, “No.”

Moses had one last message from God
for Pharaoh: “If you do not let my
people go, the firstborn son in each
Egyptian family will die.”
Pharaoh refused to listen.
So God kept his promise.
Pharaoh finally said, “Go now!”