Isaac’s Blessing
Genesis 27

When Isaac was an old man,
he could not see very well.
He called for his firstborn son, Esau.
“Bring me my favorite dinner.
Then I will give you God’s blessing.”

“I will make a special meal
for you,” said Esau.
Then he hunted for some meat to cook.

Isaac’s wife Rebekah wanted
to get God’s blessing.
So, while Esau was hunting,
she told Jacob her plan.
She made Isaac’s dinner.
Then she tied goatskins
around Jacob’s arms.

Jacob took the meal to his father.
After dinner, Isaac reached out
to bless his son.
Isaac thought Jacob was Esau.
So he gave Jacob his blessing.

When Esau returned,
he found out what had happened.
Esau was very angry.
He wanted to hurt Jacob.
Rebekah asked Isaac to send Jacob
to his uncle Laban’s house.