Jesus Is Lost!
Luke 2:41–52

Jesus grew up in Nazareth. Every year,
Jesus and his family would go to
Jerusalem to celebrate thePassover

When Jesus was twelve, they went
to the Feast as usual. The streets
were crowded with people.

On the way back home to Nazareth,
Mary and Joseph couldn’t find Jesus.
They asked their relatives and friends,
“Have you seen Jesus?”
But no one knew where he was.

Mary and Joseph went back to Jerusalem.
They looked and looked for Jesus.

Finally, after three days, they found him!
Jesus was talking with the teachers
in the temple. The teachers were amazed.
Jesus was very wise for such a young boy.

Mary and Joseph rushed to Jesus. “We
were so worried about you!” said Mary.

Jesus knew God was his Father. He said,
“I had to come to my Father’s house.”
He loved and obeyed his parents too.
So he returned home with them
and grew stronger and wiser.