Israel’s First King
1 Samuel 8–10

When Samuel was an old man,
God’s people said,
“We want a king to rule over us.”
Samuel asked God for help.
God told Samuel to warn the people
about all the trouble a king could bring.

A king would make the young men
join his army, and the people would
have to give the best things they
owned to support the king.
Samuel warned the people,
but they still would not listen.
Then God told Samuel to give them a king.

God led Samuel to a man named Saul.
Samuel poured oil on Saul’s head.
This was a sign that Saul was God’s
choice for their new king.
Saul hid because he was shy.

The people found him. Then
Samuel said, “Here is your king.”
Everyone cheered and shouted,
“Long live the king!”