Gideon’s Battle
Judges 6–7

God’s people kept disobeying his rules.
So God allowed their enemies to take all
their food away. Again, the Israelites
turned to God for help.
Again, God answered their prayers.

God chose a man named Gideon
to help his people.
God sent an angel to Gideon.
“You are a mighty warrior,” said the
angel. “You will save God’s people.”
Gideon said, “But I’m from a family
that isn’t rich or important.”

Then Gideon prayed to God. “I need a
sign from you. I will put some wool
on the floor. Tomorrow, if the wool is wet
and the ground is dry, I will believe you.”
The next morning, the wool was wet
and the ground was dry.

But Gideon wanted another sign.
He said to God, “Now if the wool isdry
and the ground iswet
, I will be sure you
have chosen me.” The next morning, God
made the wool dry and the ground wet.
Now Gideon was sure. He said,
“God, I will do whatever you say.”

Over 30,000 men wanted to join Gideon’s
army. “That is too many,” God said.
He showed Gideon how to win
with only 300 men!
The plan sounded strange,
but Gideon trusted God.

During the night, Gideon and his men
surrounded the enemy camp.
They blew trumpets and smashed clay jars.
They waved burning torches in the air.
Their enemies were frightened.
This must be a huge army!
they thought.
So they ran away. God’s people won!